Sunday, April 8, 2012

...snowshoeing on Easter afternoon

THE ROUTE:  Stormy Lake Overlook, down the hill to the lake, across the ice, across taiga, back to ice, along lake shore, up hill to picnic area, down road to overlook.
TERRAIN:  Deep snow, densely vegetated hillside.
DISTANCE:  2.3 miles RT.

Getting down the hill from the overlook to the lake was a challenge due to the deep snow and dense vegetation.

Once on the lake ice the going was easy.

Emily, Laura, Liz, and Karen cruise across the ice on Stormy Lake.

Laura and Karen after crossing to the wild side of Stormy Lake.

Emily enjoyed some jelly beans during a brief rest stop.

Emily and Laura take a break.

Mrs. Huffy surveys the scene.

Karen is all smiles as she tries out her brand new snowshoes.
Easter morning was a flurry of activity complete with Easter egg hunts, Easter baskets, attending Mass, and a brunch at Paradisos.  Following all the activity we threw our backpacks and snowshoes in the back of the truck and drove to Stormy Lake for a snowshoe adventure as a way to top off the day.  The temperature was nice and the air still as we tromped through the snow and enjoyed visiting about a number of various topics as Gabby ran hither and yon. 

We stopped for a brief rest near some trees and discussed which wild animals had made all the tracks in the snow.  There were moose tracks, of course, snowshoe hare, a coyote, and possibly a lynx.  We kept our eyes peeled for the remaineder of the trip, but didn't see any wild animals--Gabby notwithstanding.

Before long we were back at the vehicles where we stood around and visited some more not wanting to let the afternoon end.  Eventually we drove for home, unloaded the gear, fed the dog, and sat down for a small dinner where we talked about...snowshoeing on Easter afternoon.

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