Monday, April 12, 2010

...a S.T.A.R. puppy!

Laura and Gabby pose with their S.T.A.R. puppy certificate and medal.

At the end of Puppy Kindergarten class on March 20, 2010, Laura and Gabby took the test for the S.T.A.R. puppy certificate. There were 20 test items and Gabby had to sit, stay, come, walk on a loose leash for 15 steps, allow a paw and ear inspection, and react calmly to distractions and loud noises, among other things. Gabby did a great job and passed with flying colors (yes, we were all so proud). Her evaluator sent the appropriate forms to the American Kennel Club and Gabby's certificate and medal arrived in the mail today.

We put her medal on her and had a grand time trying to get her to sit and pose for the camera. Since that wasn't one of the test items it took a little work and a lot of treats. We ultimately got a few, albeit somewhat blurry, photos and called it good.

Gabby celebrated with a few more treats and is presently playing with her Kong in the middle of the floor. She is now in Novice Obedience Class which we attend every Saturday morning. We are working toward the Canine Good Citizen award, but for now we are happy to have a...S.T.A.R. puppy!

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