Saturday, April 10, 2010 the edge of Cook Inlet

Saturday morning sunrise at Captain Cook State Park.
Texting on the beach with Cook Inlet and mountains in the background.
(Photo by Elizabeth Hufford)
A beluga surfaces in front of Mt. Redoubt.
(Photo by Elizabeth Hufford)

The weather has been spectacular for the past few days and we have been trying to take advantage of it when we are able. On Friday evening we went for a walk on the beach. The water was flat and belugas were surfacing just off shore from us. Laura and Emily looked for agates while Gabby chased from one smelly thing to the next. Mrs. Hufford was taking pictures and I was exchanging text messages with a co-worker. It was a good way to spend several hours before coming home for dinner.

This morning, Saturday, Gabby and I took a little trip to Capt. Cook State Park. The snow is receding slowly on the trail around the campground and it was frozen hard enough this morning that we didn't even break through the crust. We made three loops and decided it was time to come home and get ready for Gabby's Novice Obedience Class.

The weather is here and we are glad for it. If it stays this way I am certain we will be spending more the edge of Cook Inlet.

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