Sunday, July 5, 2009

...4th of July Angel Food cake

Laura woke up early on July 4th and said she had a good idea for an Independence Day dessert. It involved some of the blueberries we picked last summer, which have been frozen solid since then, and, oh, "we'll have to go to the store for a couple of other ingredients that represent the red and the white." The blueberries represented the blue. So, to the store we went. We got strawberries for the red and Angel Food cake for the white...and two containers of whipping cream. The spray kind. They were on sale. Two for one. Who could resist? Besides, we needed more white.

For the remainder of the afternoon the talk and anticipation of Laura's dessert escalated. We went for a walk on the beach and when we got back we all knew it was time. Laura put all the ingredients on the counter while the rest of us stood and watched. She cut the pieces of cake, sliced the strawberries, and sprinkled blueberries around. Then she sprayed on the whipped cream. The end result was a something to behold. It was red, white, and blue, with some extra white whipped cream for a few of us. And--when you took the first bite, you knew you would have to have two servings. It was delicious. Really delicious, and a great way to top off the day, with a...4th of July Angel Food cake.


Doug Emmerich said...

Well done Laura. Great way to celebrate the fourth. No fireworks for you this year I'll bet. It would be a lot watching a drive in movie during the day. Laura if you don't know what drive in movies are ask your folks, they probably still remember.

Hope you get your sensor cleaned on the camera Wally,

Wally said...

Hey Doug,

The sensor is cleaned...with no small effort I might add. Had to read the directions online, lock up the mirror, and puff clean air to remove the dust. Actually, I think I just moved it around. It's still inside the camera, but no longer on the sensor. Good to go!
