Saturday, January 3, 2009

...of raging cold and making pizza

Minus 30 degrees on the car temperature gauge.
A warm pesto pizza.

It's been cold around here lately. You know that from my last post. Last night the temperature fell to minus 33 degrees. At 9:10 AM it had warmed to minus 30, as pictured above. The forecast calls for a warming trend and it should be up around zero by the middle of next week. We haven't been outside much.
Instead, we've been making pizza! Using the Jiffy pizza crust mix and pesto as a base we add the following toppings: mozzarella cheese, chicken, onions, and pepperoni. It's delicious and warm. So, that's how our days go, speaking incessantly...of raging cold and making pizza.

1 comment:

DougE said...

Numbers like this were a major factor in our departing Alaska. You are more hale and hardy then we.