Sunday, January 29, 2012

...a cold day for a ski

THE ROUTE:  Stormy Lake Overlook to a lake without a name.  Then we followed the outlet for a while.
DISTANCE:  4.2 miles RT
After skiing about half a mile, Mrs. Huffy got cold feet.  She stopped along the edge of Stormy Lake to place toe warmers in her ski boots.

Applying the adhesive toe warmers to socks.

Mrs. huffy follows a snowmachine trail across a small lake near Stormy Lake.

On our way back to the truck we stopped for a snack/hydration break near the bear bait station.  Our fingers and toes were frozen before we left.

Mrs. Huffy tries to bite into a frozen solid Luna Bar.
It has been cold around these parts lately and today was no exception.  Mrs. Huffy puts a limit of minus 10 on her outdoor adventures, so when I looked at the thermometer this morning and it only read minus 7, I said, "Let's go skiing!"

We loaded our gear and Gabby in the truck and headed for Stormy Lake in Capt Cook State Park.  We parked at the overlook and walked down the road to the gate across the entrance to the swim beach.  We broke trail through some very deep snow and made our way to the edge of the lake where we skied onto a groomed snowmachine trail which we followed for the remainder of our adventure.

The snowmachine trail took us along the edge of Stormy Lake to a small pond we explored last fall that has a bear bait station located on its perimeter.  We skied onto and across the pond to the outlet and then another half mile or so beyond that.  There were many types of animal tracks crossing and following the trail and we had fun speculating which kinds of animals had made them.

After a while we decided it was time to turn back.  We skied back to the bear bait station where we stopped for a snack and water.  After a few minutes our fingers and toes were stinging from the cold.  We hurriedly placed gloves back on our fingers and warmed up quickly after we started skiing again.

Upon arriving at the truck I turned on the engine and blasted the heater.  Gabby curled up in the back seat and we drove for home.  It had been a beautiful day albeit...a cold day for a ski.

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