Wednesday, July 13, 2011

...a double whammy

Ready to circumnavigate Chugach Estates Lake.
Kestral on Chugach Estates Lake.
Stopping for a photo of the vegetation with my paddle.
This lake had many trees hanging over the water.
There used to be a campground/picnic area at Bernice lake. That was many years ago. The access area is still there, but it is no longer maintained and there are no signs designating the area as such. So, I took my picture with the Bernice Lake Road sign.
Kestral had to navigate some dense vegetation to reach open water on Bernice Lake.
Kestral and I after the circumnavigation of Bernice Lake.
Kestral has been in dry dock for the past several weeks. Other obligations and activities have prevented the circumnavigation of any lakes on my list, so when I got up this morning I knew it was time to do some paddling. I loaded the gear and drove a few short miles to Chugach Estates Lake, dumped Kestral in the splash and 28 minutes later I was done. That left plenty of time to drive a couple of more miles to Bernice Lake and repeat the unloading/circumnavigation process. (You may notice on the map that I neglected to paddle one small bay of Bernice Lake. It seemed that a pair of loons were nesting in that area and I didn't want to disturb them.) An hour later both lakes had been circumnavigated...a double whammy.

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