Wednesday, May 27, 2009

...Mrs. Hufford, aka: Retired Teacher!

Mrs. Hufford poses with her Retirement Gold Pan in front of the school sign.
At 11:30 AM, on May 26, 2009, Mrs. Hufford turned in her keys to the school secretary and principal for the last time.

Mrs. Hufford waves goodbye to her classroom.
After 24 years of teaching Mrs. Hufford is retired! It took a few extra days beyond the end of the school year to sort, purge, and organize all those years of teaching materials, but she walked out the door at 11:30 AM, on Tuesday, May 26, 2009, as a retired teacher. She will have plenty of time now for skiing, skating, piano playing, and hiking.
So, congratulations Mrs. Hufford! Over the years you have had a significant impact on hundreds of students and taught them well. They will never forget you. Now its time to move into the next phase of your life. Its the phase where you are known as...Mrs. Hufford, aka; Retired Teacher!

1 comment:

Doug Emmerich said...

Congrats Liz. So many stories, so many students, so many aspirin. Want to hear your tales as we paddle up Tutka Lagoon in THREE weeks. See you then.