Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trail River Campground...again

A four night camping trip is comprised of many sub-activities including hiking, mountain biking, photographing, campfires, banana boats, and plenty of unstructured setting around time. That’s how we do it anyway and that’s exactly the way things went down on our recent trip to Trail River Campground.
On our first full day we decided to hike to Exit Glacier near Seward. The weather was grand and we enjoyed walking to the edge of the glacier with all the tourists, many of which were toting cameras with massive lenses. We had a picnic on the side of the trail and enjoyed views of the glacier and the braided river below us. We had a pleasant conversation with a volunteer ranger and then made our way back to the parking area and on to Seward where we bought a few provisions. Back at the campground we ate dinner and had banana boats for dessert.
The next day we drove to Anchorage in search of cameras. It was too difficult to make a good decision so we drove back empty handed. We did have a good lunch at New Sagaya.
The following day we drove to Lowell Point and hiked to Tonsina Creek. It’s a beautiful walk and includes some delightful switchbacks just before we reached the creek where we watched chum and pink salmon on their spawning grounds. We walked a bit further and then angled toward the beach where we ate our picnic lunch. As we were eating a frind of ours appeared with his dog Daisy. They had been camping at North Beach for three nights and were on their way out so they could be home in time to watch the Opening Ceremonies of the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing.
We returned to our camper and spent the evening enjoying some beautiful summer weather. The next morning we packed up and drove to Sunrise Inn in Cooper Landing for breakfast before returning home glad we had spent time at Trail River Campground...again

1 comment:

DougE said...

Mon Ami,
I am remiss. While caught up in our own late summer stuff, I haven't been keeping up on your blog, but certainly haven't given up on it.

I'm glad you clarified what banana boats were, I just wish you would clarify what you meant by bear chasing. Very disconcerting young man.

It's great to see the change of fall coming. You might not be so ready for it, but we sure are. Back up in to the 90s and high 80s last week. But it was a great night for Obama's speech.

The DNC really came off well. I didn't get to be part of anything because I'm not into it that way, but I checked it out on the local news, local blogs etc.
Well enjoy your Fall. Keep up the great work.