Monday, July 14, 2008 number one at Yellowstone National Park

Today we drove from Riverton to Yellowstone National Park. We arrived at Grant Village around 3:00 PM, and after checking in we went to Old Faithful where we just missed the eruption. So we waited about an hour-and-a-half for the next one. In the meantime we ate ice cream and walked around the geyser area. Finally the eruption we were waiting for happened and we took plenty of photos. We then drove toward Madison Junction and stopped at Whiskey Flats for a picnic along the way. Enroute we saw some buffalo, fly fishers (a tremendous hatch on the Firehole River was visible from the road), and some elk. We drove through the Madison Junction Campground and couldn’t believe how close the sites were to one another. We turned back toward Grant Village and took a couple of side roads along the way. The most amazing was the Firehole Loop Road where we watched water boil up from the earth sending columns of sulpher smelling mist into the sky. We saw two coyotes as we drove and got back to our room just as it got dark. It was a great way to number one at Yellowstone National Park.

1 comment:

DougE said...

Sounds like an excellent journey so far. Have not gotten to the Thermopolis hot springs yet, but it's on our to do list. The pics are great, too bad you have to cut some out, wish you could post em all.
Here's to great travels and continued good roads.
Nobody in Yellowstone Park asked you if you knew a Heather Emmerich did they? Maybe they've stopped looking by now.