Saturday, February 19, 2011

...Stormy Lake afternoon

The Hufford girls pose with their skis at the Stormy Lake boat ramp. That's where our tour began.
Mrs. Huffy stopped skiing for a photo op.

Laura listens to her iPod while skiing around Stormy Lake. She wore goggles to protect her eyes from the sun. It was very bright.

Emily looks across the lake while she follows ski tracks made by the photographer.

The Hufford girls ski single file across the surface of the lake.

Clear sunny skies and perfect February temps were the order of the day. After running errands in town we couldn't help but load our skis in the truck and take the drive out to Stormy Lake for a ski tour in the sunshine. We stepped into our bindings while Gabby checked out the parking lot and before we knew it we were cruising toward the opposite shore. We made frequent stops to soak in the rays and comment on the perfect snow. Hoarfrost fell from the trees on breezes that were almost imperceptible. We made it to a point where we decided it was time to turn back. I remembered I had my GPS in my pack so I turned it on so we could see how far we traveled. When we got back to the truck it read that our one-way trip back to the parking area was 10+ miles and had taken us almost 90 minutes. I knew that couldn't be correct and then I realized that I had not cleared the previous track. So, I'm not sure how far we skied. But, it really didn't matter. I was just glad we were able to experience a...Stormy Lake afternoon.

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