Sunday, January 24, 2010

...puppy school

The retired teacher's reinforcer of choice...Canine Carry Outs.
Mrs. Hufford and Gabby practice "high five."

Gabby waits for a treat after working on the "down/stay" command.

Gabby "sits" for a snack.

Mrs. Hufford, as most of you know, taught school for 24 years before retiring at the end of the last school year. These days her student has four paws and works for puppy treats. Gabby and Mrs. Hufford conduct puppy school on a daily basis and the student is coming along nicely. Already Gabby can "sit," "stay," "down/stay," "shake," "high five," and "walk with me." Mrs. Hufford's first report card gave Gabby 'Proficient' in all areas. Way to go Gabby and Mrs. Hufford! Keep up the good work in...puppy school!

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