Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My sister showed Emily and Laura how to make Confetti Popcorn.  It was good, especially for breakfast the next morning.

One of the fastest cyclists in Montana.

Mrs. Huffy and Keith on a 10 mile ride.
When we arrived in Montana we parked our camper in my sister and brother-in-laws driveway where it sat for the next two weeks.  They probably loved that.  As you know, our time in Montana was divided into two stays as we went to California, via an airplane, during the middle of things.  While in Billings we ate some great Montana beef and of course enjoyed one meal of extremely hot chicken wings, which has become a tradition over the course of our visits.  I should also mention that it was hot.  Very hot.  100 dgrees hot.  It was not conducive to being outdoors during the afternoons.

So, we stayed in the cool air of the indoors where Laura, Emily, and my sister made Confetti Popcorn and we watched the Tour de France on television.  Keith is a big fan and knows all the ins and outs of the race.  It was fun.

We also took several bike rides early in the mornings where we watched horses eating in the fields and snakes sunning themselves on the road.  Mrs. Huffy liked the horses, but didn't care for the snakes at all.

Before we knew it our time was up and we loaded the camper for our return trip to Alaska, knowing we had spent our time well in...Montana.

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